Category Archives: Online Marketing

Google Apps Design Update Rolling Out For Good

Google is releasing a permanent new look for anyone that uses Google Apps, that means you, Gmail users. For better or for worse, you may have already noticed this transition take place – especially on the homepage.

Previously, you may have seen the black navigation bar at the top of your browser window, which Google has now removed. In it’s place you will find a chunk of gray colored area reserved for search, dropdown navigation and your Google profile (including Google Plus) integration. Below that lies in store the redesign of the apps you know and love, including Gmail, Calender, Docs and Sites. But don’t fret – Google’s come a long way with their redesigns since the day their search engine was born. Most notably, the recent changes to Google Analytics were phenomenal.
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Google’s Trendy New Analytics

There comes a tool in every Online Business’ arsenal that fully perpetuates their most organized online marketing strategies.  In our case, we start and end our day with Google Analytics.

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